Your dogs nails will continually get longer and longer unless they're living the outdoor life where their nails will naturally get worn down. To fix this, we bring professional nail trims to your front door. We take care of long nails that can be painful for your pet, scratch your skin and rip your furniture. We also check and clip any hair between their pads that could lead to slipping and injury.
Pawdicures include:
• Nail clipping
• Pad shaving
Extra's include:
• Nail grinding (sharp edge reduction)
We offer one time pawdicures at $35 and monthly pawdicures at $30/month (when scheduled for one year). Additional discounts for multi-dog households.
To maintain a safe working environment, we require all pets to be current on their rabies vaccinations. Proof of rabies vaccination in the form of paperwork is required before coming to your house.